Imagine that your life is a book, a book that is being written every single day; in real-time in fact. Because as you go through your day, the action you take and the decisions you make are forming the sentences, paragraphs and chapters of this book.
Your thoughts are the plot, the story-line of your book....which is the story of your life.
Ask yourself this: are you excited to turn the page and live out what happens next, based on the quality and level of your thoughts? Are you eager to write and create the next chapter in your book?
If not, re-write the script.
You're the one holding the pen.
Do you feel like you live the same day over and over again?
Would you say that you exist rather than live?
Do you want to break the monotonous cycle of your life?
Do you want to live a meaningful life?
Let me guess: your days consist of getting up, going to work, coming home, having dinner and going to bed. Just to wake up and do the same thing all over again the next day.
There is just a huge void in your life which, no matter how hard you try to fill, always feels empty, all-consuming, ever present and draining. It takes what little motivation you've been able to muster, it eats away at your enthusiasm so that you're right back where you started. This void seems to have a vice-like grip on you and no matter how hard you try you can never seem to shake it off.
It keeps you stuck where you are. It keeps you on on the hamster wheel despite desperately wanting to get off.
That's exactly where I was a few years ago. I'm going to guess that if you're reading this thinking "this woman is describing me and my life", then I am pretty sure what your answers will be to these questions:
Are you happy with your life right now?
Are you in control of the direction your life is going in?
Do you wake up every day with a clear purpose of what it is you will aim to achieve?
If you answered "no" to any of these questions then I am so glad you have found me, because as recently as a few years ago I too answered "no" to these, and many more questions like it. Questions like:
Do you know what you want to achieve in life? Nope!
Do you have any idea of where you want to be in 5 years' time? Not a clue
What do you want your legacy to be? My what now?!?
If reading these questions is making you feel all the anxiety, all the panic, and all the worry & frustration because you feel like you are spending this one precious life on a hamster wheel, I want you to just stop and take a deep breath. Because the good news is that you've stumbled upon me, and because you and me - together - we will transform your life with "12 Weeks to You". It's a programme that's laser focused on YOU. It's a programme that will help you go from:
Confusion to Clarity
From Meh, to Heck Yeah!
From Down-in-the-Dumps, to Driven & Decisive
Help you recongnise where you are in your life right now
Uncover why you are there right now
Discover where you want to be and why that is important to you
Provide you with useful tools and action points that will empower you to build your own path for your life
Have the confidence to put yourself first
Have the confidence to go after your dreams and aspirations, but perhaps more importantly, you will
Love yourself unconditionally
Learn the skills necessary to become a woman who has a clear vision of what it is she wants.
Learn the skills necessary to become a woman who has a clear vision of what it is she does not want.
Develop the confidence to do something about it.
Formulate plans and action points that will get you to your goals.
Become a woman who smiles at her reflection in the mirror; who genuinely loves the woman staring back at her.
If this sounds like your way of life then what are you waiting for?
For a one-off payment * of £397 you will receive:
12 x 45-minute weekly coaching calls
A beautifully designed workbook for each module that will be sent to you by email. The workbooks will complement and support our coaching calls.
The workbooks include exercises for you to complete and well as inspiring quotes and stunning graphics to make the journey you will embark on more beautiful and enjoyable than you could have hoped for.
Bonus slides and other goodies that will complement the work you will be doing.
1 x 30-minute follow-up call one month after the end of our final call.
Email support throughout the 12-week duration of the programme and the month following
*Please get in touch if you would like to discuss a payment plan
My promise to you as we work our way through this 12-week programme together is threefold:
I promise that I will work tirelessly with you to help you discover who you truly are and what your purpose is in this one life you are lucky enough to be living.
I promise to work alongside you to hep you grow in self-confidence.
I promise to celebrate you, as you thrive and shine every single day as a result of the work you will do.
If you can respond with a resounding "yes"
to any of these questions then
"12 Weeks to You" is
exactly what you need.
Are you frustrated because you haven't figured out who you are yet?
Do you never, or rarely, put yourself first?
Do you have dreams and aspirations but are too scared to do anything about them?
Do you feel lost and like you are just bumbling your way through each day, aimlessly and with no intention or conviction in anything you do?
Do you find yourself ignoring your own desires and needs?
Do you find yourself doubting your own worth or the value you bring to your friends and family?
Do you know that you have so much more to offer but are too scared to believe in yourself, or you don't even know how to start believing in yourself?
Do you shy away from looking at your reflection in the mirror because you don't like what you see?
Do you want, more than anything, to love yourself but you have no idea where to begin?
I have been where you are, and I know how suffocating it can be: to know, without a shadow of a doubt that you have more to give but to not have any idea how to go about making a change, because every which way you turn you find yourself right back where you started. And that happens so often and you feel so defeated and deflated that you just give up and succumb to life as you know it, accepting your (incorrect and limiting!) belief that you aren't made for more, or that a better way of life just isn't on the cards for you.
Well no more. Because.....
Today is the day that that all stops.
Today is the day that you start deciding which direction your life goes in.
Today is the day you break free from the invisible force that has been holding you back and stopping you from reaching your full potential.
Today is the day that you start to re-discover and unlock the real you.
It is my mission to inspire and empower women to re-discover who they are and what their purpose is, help them discover what they want from their life, and encourage them to step out into the world as that woman with confidence, pride and a sense of self-worth every single day.
Have you ever dared to fantasise about what your life would be like, what you would be like if you lived life on your terms, striving for goals that would grow you as a person; goals that, once achieved, would forever change the way you saw and thought about yourself?
What do I get for my £135?
4 x 45-minute weekly coaching call
A beautifully designed workbook for each module that will be
sent to you by email. The workbooks will complement
and support our coaching calls
The workbooks include exercises for you to complete and well as
inspiring quotes and stunning graphics to make the journey
you will embark on more beautiful and enjoyable than
you could have hoped for
Email support during the 4-week programme.
Just fill in your details below and let me do the rest.
By providing your details you consent to me contacting you by email.
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A challenge does not equal failure
How many times do we come up against a challenge or a stumbling block when we’re working towards something and in our brains, we make that challenge or stumbling block mean that we’ve failed because the path to our desired end result wasn’t smooth and clear and without obstacles?
Encountering a challenge isn’t a sign you should stop and give up.
Encountering a challenge is a beautiful opportunity to pause and to reflect on how far we’ve come, what got us this far and what actions will get us over the hurdle and on towards the next phase of the goal plan.
And it might be that you don’t need to implement or employ completely new actions or tools. Maybe it’s a case of simply tweaking what you’re already doing or what you already have so that it’s once again fit for purpose and is robust enough to overcome the challenge.
For example imagine you’re mowing the lawn; the setting you’ve got the blades on will cut the grass down to a certain height and no shorter. But you want the grass a bit shorter than that setting allows. In this case you don’t need to scrap your current lawn mower and go and buy a new one. All you need to do is adjust the blade setting so it’ll give a shorter cut. You’re using your current tool and tweaking it so that it’ll allow you to achieve your desired outcome.
But there will be times when what you’re doing and what you have simply won’t be enough to overcome the challenge you’re facing.
And in these moments take time to be grateful and proud of the fact that you got as far as you did without encountering any hurdles or setbacks with the skill set you currently have.
And then take some time to deep dive into why you’re struggling to overcome the challenge. It could be any number of things which could include:
A lack of knowledge
A lack of manpower
Technological limitations
Geographical limitations
Limiting beliefs
On paper, the first three are the easiest to overcome. You can bridge the knowledge gap by reading a book, or ask someone who already knows how; you could buy a course and learn what you need to know.
If it’s a lack of manpower then you can hire in some assistance to either do what you don’t know how to do, or to do what you don’t have time to do so you free up some of your time.
Again with technological limitations, can you upgrade your current set-up, or download or purchase the software that will allow you to do what you need to do?
I appreciate that some of the above solutions require a financial investment and so you might not be in a position to solve for them immediately, but at least you know WHAT the issue is, how you will go about solving for it and you can therefore make a plan on how you can start to solve it. (This is why I said that on paper they seem to be the easiest problems to solve; the solutions though might not be the easiest to execute)
Limiting beliefs on the other hand can be quite the little madam to overcome. Think of your limiting beliefs as splinters; some are just below the surface and are easy to grab a-hold of and remove but others have been left to lodge themselves deeper under your skin and are harder to deal with. Maybe these ones were uncomfortable at first, or maybe you didn’t even realise when you first got them, but you’ve kind of gotten used to them being there now and, with the passage of time, you’ve just grown accustomed to them and accept them as part of your everyday life.
Limiting beliefs can be exactly the same. The longer you’ve had the limiting belief, the harder it will be to reverse it, or start unbelieving it. You see the more you practice the thought, the more evidence you gather to prove it true. And because you have the evidence to back it up, you think that that thought must be true. But you only have a load of evidence for that thought because that’s what your focus was on; you were unconsciously looking for proof that that thought was true because you were thinking that thought in the first place. It’s a terrible feedback loop to find yourself in. If your focus was on a different thought, you would have collected evidence to back up that thought instead.
And so just as the splinter embedded itself under your skin over a number a days, weeks or even months, that’s what you’re enabling your limiting beliefs to do when you continue to think them; each time you think the limiting thought, you’re effectively pushing it down a bit deeper.
And so the way to start unbelieving the thoughts that do not help you, is to shift your focus to something that does help you; a thought that, once you gather evidence to support the veracity of, will allow you to act, think and show up in ways that are expansive and which allow you go beyond what you thought your limits were. You see it’s a feedback loop that keeps itself going; you think a thought and the act of thinking that thought is a signal to your brain to filter through everything you are presented with and to only focus on the information that supports the thought you are thinking.
This evidence then starts stacking up, and the more evidence you have, the more you think the thought is true, thereby the more likely you are to live your life in accordance with that thought.
So you can see why it is imperative to think thoughts that will help you get to where you want to go. Because what you think, you will gather evidence for, and what you gather evidence for you will convince yourself is real and because you think it’s real you will think it can’t be changed. And so the soundtrack to your life is a thought or thoughts that limit your potential.
Phew! I hope you are still with me because this is some good stuff.
And whilst you can’t just throw money at this in the same way you can pay to hire some help or to upgrade your tech problems, the reward you will gain from understanding how to shift your focus and how to start unraveling your limiting beliefs, can be enjoyed time and time again.
With practice you recognise when you are thinking a limiting belief/thought, and once you know what your limiting beliefs are you can start to shift your focus to a thought that is more helpful.
So what is a limiting belief? It’s a belief you have about yourself/your situation or circumstance that is keeping you stuck, that is stopping you from going after certain things in life or which is preventing you from trying X, Y or Z. An example might be “I’m too shy to go to a networking event”.
The belief that you are too shy might feel true to you, and I’d like to offer this to you: it feels real and true because you’ve spent so long thinking of yourself in this way and so the result is that you have a catalogue of evidence in your mind of times when you consider that you were shy. But just because you have evidence to support the fact you were shy at certain times, doesn’t mean that the evidence to support you not being shy doesn’t exist; it simply means you haven’t asked your brain to look for it and show it to you. So I’d like to ask you to think of at least five times when you weren’t shy. They don’t have to be recent and they don’t have to be “momentous” occasions. At this stage what I am encouraging and inviting you to do, is to get your brain looking for evidence to support a different thought, a thought that better serves you.
Once you start gathering evidence to support the new thought, it’s easier for your brain to believe that that new thought is real and true (because it can supply evidence to support it), and so over time and with repetitive practice, that new thought gradually becomes easier to think, you have less resistance towards it, and eventually it becomes your default way of thinking, and the default way you see yourself.
So as I bring this to a close, I’d like to ask you what limiting belief are you going to kick to the kerb? And what new expansive thought will you start to practice instead?
As always I’d love to hear your thoughts on this; you can reach me over on Instagram roomformorebykelly
I hope you have a lovely day and we’ll catch up next time.
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